The registration fee includes attendance at any or all of the conference, all snack breaks and meals shown on the agenda, and food and attendance at social events. All individuals are eligible to receive an early registration rate if registering AND paying NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10, 2025. You may also be eligible to receive additional discount, if applicable, if registering AND paying NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10, 2025.

Please note that you must scroll below to enter payment information and hit the SUBMIT button to register. You will receive a confirmation email if you have successfully registered and paid. If you do not receive this email, please contact us to verify if you successfully registered.

If you are paying by check, you will not receive the confirmation email until your payment is received. 

  • This fee applies to those who did not register and pay by FEB 2. Only payment by credit card is accepted after FEB 2. There are no discounts available.

In addition to the early registration discount, a $50 discount is available for those registering and paying before JANUARY 10, 2025, who meet one of the following criteria (Note: the following discounts are no longer available):

    Enter code JLS
    Enter code JUDGE 
  • NON-ATTORNEY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE (e.g. probation, law enforcement, court, agency staff)
    Enter Code GOV 

The discount code must be entered when registering (above). By using the code, you affirm the registrant is eligible for the selected discount. Only one code may be used per person. With code, the early registration cost is $350. Note: these discounts were only available for early registration. They are no longer available.

The Section is offering complimentary registration for past chairs of the Juvenile Law Section who register no later than JAN 10. If you are a past chair, please contact [email protected] for the discount code.

If you are not a current member of the Juvenile Law Section, you may join for $25 annually and get all the benefits of section membership, including the conference discount, quarterly newsletter, and legislative newsletter. Law students and newly-licensed attorneys (two years or less) may join the Juvenile Law Section for free (in accordance with the State Bar of Texas rules), so join today with the State Bar of Texas to receive the discounted rate. Non-attorneys who are interested in juvenile law may join the section using the application form here.

See below for information on cancellations, substitutions, and available attorney scholarships.


Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Convention Center, 777 Watters Creek Blvd, Allen, TX. Click on the Lodging and Hotel link at the top of this page for information on making reservations. Book by FEBRUARY 6 to get the conference rate of $123.

Conference participants flying in will need to arrange ground transportation individually (car service, shuttle service, taxi, etc.). The hotel does not offer any transportation. We have enabled a group in Whova to allow attendees to arrange ride-sharing amongst themselves. Please visit the Whova app if you wish to use this. 

Payment may be made by credit card or by check or money order. No PURCHASE ORDERS or VOUCHERS will be accepted. The Juvenile Law Section’s Federal Tax ID is 74-6000148. 

You will receive an electronic confirmation that your registration was received after payment is made. 

Include a copy of your confirmation or your registration form when mailing in your payment. You will be registered once payment is received. Make check or money order payable to Juvenile Law Section. Mail to: State Bar of Texas Juvenile Law Section, Attn: Vira Lukyanova, 3rd Floor, PO Box 12487, Austin, TX 78711. For overnight services: Attn: Vira Lukyanova, 3rd Floor, 1414 Colorado, Austin, TX 78701. If you are concerned about the check arriving by the deadline, please use a credit card.

The Section will be seeking accreditation from the State Bar of Texas as well as approval from the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and the Texas Association of Counties (for constitutional county judges only). Information on claiming credit will be available in the Whova App for all registered attendees. Those seeking TCOLE credit are responsible for claiming it themselves through local processes.

Course materials will be distributed in electronic format only through the Whova App. If registration AND payment information is received by February 2, 2025, registrants will receive access to the Whova App and access to materials. Those who register or pay after that date will be given Whova access as time permits. Please note that we make every effort to have speaker materials available prior to the conference, but cannot guarantee it.

We are working with the Bar to determine if the conference will be recorded this year. If it is, some topics may not be recorded if unable to do so for reasons like sessions in multiple rooms or presenters with proprietary information that cannot be recorded. If recorded, registrants will be given access to the recordings when available.   

When you check in, you may pick up your name badge and related conference information. The registration desk will be open Sunday at 2:00 pm and then again on Monday morning at 7:30 am. 

Persons who are in need of auxiliary aids or services during the conference should contact us at least 7 working days before the conference so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Conference cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing by FEB 2 for a refund. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. Refunds will not be granted for no-shows; however, all registered persons who do not cancel will have access to course materials through the Whova app and access to the recorded material, if the conference is recorded.

Before the conference begins, you may contact us to request that a substitution be made for someone else to attend in place of you. NOTE: Substitutions cannot be made for individual sessions and/or days.

The Juvenile Law Section is offering a limited number of scholarships for the conference registration fee to attorney members of the Section who are actively engaged in the practice of juvenile justice and who demonstrate a financial need. Scholarship requests must be sent to [email protected] by January 2, 2025. Incomplete or late requests will not be considered. The scholarships cover the registration fee only; recipients will be responsible for any other costs related to conference attendance. Granting of a scholarship is not guaranteed. Scholarships will be awarded in the order requests were received to those meeting the criteria. Applicants will be informed by January 6, 2025, of whether or not they have been awarded a scholarship. To be considered for a scholarship, an applicant must submit a written request with the following information: 1) verification that the applicant is a licensed attorney; 2) verification that the applicant is a member of the Juvenile Law Section; 3) verification that the applicant did not receive a scholarship to the conference in the previous two years; 4) an explanation of the applicant’s involvement in the field of juvenile justice and how attendance at the conference will be beneficial to the applicant; and 5) demonstration of financial need.

Payment Information (Do not use Internet Explorer to enter this information)

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software